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Oral Surgery

What happens if an impacted tooth is not removed from the mouth?

Damage to the adjacent tooth or teeth: If an impacted tooth is put in a position that allows it to impinge on the adjacent tooth, eruption pressure can cause damage to that tooth. This might cause bone loss and pain in the surrounding tooth.
Pericoronitis occurs when the tissues surrounding an impacted third molar become inflamed, resulting in food impaction and pain radiating to the head and neck region.

Trismus: An erupted third tooth can make it difficult to open the mouth and may also cause pain.
Cheek biting: A displaced tooth can cause cheek biting and irritation in the cheek.

Orthodontic Treatment

Is the orthodontic treatment painful?

A person does not feel any pain when the braces are fixed to the teeth. When the appliances start exerting pressure for the movement of the teeth, then a person may experience pain. This is mild pain and can subside soon. Whenever the wires are adjusted every month,mild discomfort for a day or two may be there.

Gum Surgeries

What are the treatment options for periodontal diseases?
If the disease is in the early stages it can be managed by:

Scaling and root planning: Your teeth and gums are cleaned thoroughly with the help of ultrasonic scalers. Well cleaned and polished tooth surface attract less deposits and remain healthy for a longer period of time.
Surgical management: This is done for chronic progressive periodontal condition.

Paediatric Dentistry

Why is Paediatric Dentistry and why is it important?

This is a branch of dentistry that is dedicated to oral health of children right from infancy to adolescence. A child usually gets their first tooth around 6-7 months of age. The eruption then continues till 2 years of age. These teeth are known as primary teeth and are 20 in number.

The first permanent tooth also erupts around 6-7 years of age and the eruption continues till 13-14 years. Ensuring that the permanent teeth remain healthy is also important.

The primary teeth are highly prone to caries. If detected early they can be filled and restored back to functionality. When not detected and treated the dental carried advance and cause damage to the tooth pulp and this can result in pain and inflammation of the tooth. This is a case of pulpal infection.

Dental Implants

Is getting implants a painful procedure?

Implant placement is usually carried out under local anesthesia, ensuring the surgical procedure itself is generally painless. Advanced injection techniques can further minimize discomfort during the administration of anesthesia.

Post-operative discomfort or pain is common after any surgical procedure, including implant placement. However, this can be managed effectively with prescribed pain medications and proper post-operative care instructions provided by the dentist.

Overall, while some patients may experience minor discomfort or soreness after the procedure, advancements in anesthesia and pain management techniques aim to ensure that patients have a comfortable and relatively pain-free experience during and after implant placement. The individual’s pain tolerance, the complexity of the surgery, and adherence to post-operative care instructions can also influence the level of discomfort experienced.

Root canal treatment

What is a root canal treatment?

A root canal treatment is a dental procedure performed to save a tooth that is severely infected or decayed. Inside each tooth, beneath the enamel and dentin, there is a soft tissue called the pulp. The pulp contains nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue that can become infected due to deep decay, repeated dental procedures on the tooth, a crack or chip in the tooth, or trauma.